Faculty profile
Michelle Nicholas
Assistant Professor in Education (Primary)
Contact information
Block B, Merrion Centre
Merrion Road
Dublin 4
D04 H2H4
Michelle is an Assistant Professor in Education at Hibernia College. Michelle graduated from Mary Immaculate College with a Bachelor of Education in 2014. She was awarded the Vere Foster medal for first place in teaching practice and curriculum education. Michelle has extensive experience teaching at all primary class levels, including teaching pupils with special educational needs. She worked as a tutor with Mary Immaculate College on the PATH programme, assisting and mentoring pupils in areas including, teaching methodologies, educational foundation studies, pedagogy, and curriculum content.
Michelle completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Maynooth College. Her group research pertained to ‘Investigating an Ethic of Care in Primary and Post Primary schools in Ireland’. This research study examined the multifaceted role of teachers and delved into the nature of wellbeing and the importance of caring for pupils daily. Michelle proceeded to expand her research and she graduated with a first-class honours Master’s in Educational Leadership and Management. She completed a research study which examined ‘Specific leadership actions that promote pupil learning in Irish Primary Schools’.
Research interests
Michelle is specifically interested in the areas of pupil and teacher wellbeing. She also enjoys the areas of coaching and mentoring student teachers and newly qualified teachers; she is passionate about providing support for teachers and helping them to feel confident and empowered when educating pupils. Michelle’s research interests also include Early Childhood Education, Differentiation, and Universal Design for Learning (UDL), adapting curriculum content in order to meet the educational needs and profiles of the pupils being educated.