Alumni profile

Lucy Schneider

PME in Primary Education

Co. Kilkenny


St. Patricks De La Salle B.N.S Kilkenny


Early Childhood Education, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick


INTO Vere Foster Medal for Outstanding Performance in School Placement

Why did you choose teaching and why Hibernia College?

I chose teaching as I’ve always enjoyed working with children, inspiring creativity and helping them discover their potential. It’s an incredibly rewarding profession. I chose Hibernia College for its flexibility and blended learning approach, which allowed me to gain hands-on learning experiences in the classroom environment.

What field of work or study were you in before you started your PME?

I graduated from Mary Immaculate College with a degree in Early Childhood Care and Education. During the final two years of my studies, I was privileged to gain valuable experience as a substitute teacher.

Can you tell us a bit about your research project and why you focused on this area?

My research project focused on exploring primary school teachers’ perspectives on supporting English as an additional language (EAL) learners in the primary classroom. This area is highly relevant at the moment, as there has been a significant influx of EAL children in the past couple of years due to various global factors. I had the opportunity to work as an EAL support teacher throughout the duration of my time at Hibernia College. I saw firsthand the challenges faced by both EAL language learners and mainstream class teachers. This experience motivated me to delve deeper into the perspectives of teachers who work directly with language learners, as they play a critical role in fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment.

Now that you have graduated, what are your plans?

I’m currently teaching Second Class in St. Patrick’s De La Salle, Kilkenny. I feel privileged to be part of such a supportive school with incredible staff. I’m thoroughly enjoying being in the classroom, gaining experience and focusing on creating an engaging learning environment for the boys.

What piece of advice would you give to any person considering starting a PME?

I highly recommend reaching out to local schools to gain hands-on experience. It’s invaluable in building confidence, giving you a real sense of the classroom environment and what to expect.

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