BSc (Hons) in Nursing in General Nursing
Our flexible nursing programme
Are you interested in a career in nursing? This full-time blended learning degree programme is designed to provide learning opportunities for mature students, graduates of further education programmes and school leavers.
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spring 2026: Opening in 2025
Course Type: Bachelor of Science (Hons)
Next Intake: Spring 2026
Duration: 3 years and 4 months
NFQ: Level 8
ECTS: 240 credits
Academic Validation: QQI
Professional Accreditation: Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI)
About the
BSc (Hons) in Nursing in General Nursing
This BSc (Hons) in Nursing in General Nursing has been fully approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) and validated by QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland). The 240 ECTS honours degree has been developed in partnership with a wide range of national and international experts in nursing. The course has been designed for individuals who want to launch a rewarding career in Nursing and make a real difference to people’s lives, every day.
This cutting-edge programme offers an innovative approach to undergraduate nurse education. The programme is delivered through a blended learning design with a mixture of practical clinical learning, traditional classroom-based, simulation and online learning. Our innovative degree programme is taught by experienced lecturers in a friendly and supportive environment.
You will develop a comprehensive understanding of the requirements of becoming a registered nurse through studying and completing modules in professional practice, nursing practice and physical and human sciences.
On your practice placements, you will have the opportunity to apply and hone your theoretical knowledge and skills in a practical environment, learning from expert practitioners. Hibernia College collaborates with health service providers in the private and public sector across Ireland to provide these practice placements. The diversity of placement requirements and the geographical spread of placement sites will mean that travelling to clinical placement areas will be required at various stages of your nursing programme.
On successful completion of the course, you will be eligible to register with the NMBI as a Registered General Nurse (RGN). Graduates of this programme will have a deep understanding of the nature of care as well as a highly developed capacity to be exemplary in clinical practice.
Reasons to Study at Hibernia College
- Blended Learning offers the opportunity to study to become a nurse in a way that offers some flexibility to fit around life commitments, whilst also gaining practical and hands-on experience.
- You will gain real-world experience through practice placements in a variety of settings, for example, hospitals, nursing homes, in the community, as well as voluntary and private sectors.
- You will be taught by an academic team of enthusiastic and highly skilled professionals in both clinical nursing and teaching expertise.
- This accelerated degree programme is full-time and you will complete your degree in 3 years and 4 months.
- Typically, 1 day a week in person in Dublin [Academic Weeks]
Entry Requirements
All applicants must:
- Be 18 years or older on 1st January in the year of entry;
- Be eligible to work and reside in Ireland either through citizenship and/or possession of a stamp 4 visa;
- Provide evidence of IETLS 6.5 or a minimum of B+ in CEFR where English is not primary language.
NMBI Requirements
This programme is designed to lead to professional registration with the NMBI. For more details about these requirements, please visit the NMBI Careers in Nursing and Midwifery webpage.
Availabile Places
Applicants will only be considered for a subsequent pathway, at offer stage, where there is availability in those pathways and where the applicant has demonstrated their eligibility. We may close early when we believe that successful applicants will exceed the number of available places.
Programme Details
The programme is delivered through a blended learning design with a mixture of practical clinical learning, traditional classroom-based and online learning. Hosted within a specialised virtual learning environment, you will interact and engage with interactive online learning modules, which include audio-visual media, such as video animation, and other activities, such as quizzes and online group discussions. You will also interact with your course lecturers in real-time through video conferencing software.
New learning activities are released weekly. In-person classroom-based activities provide a focus for integrating your online learning, clinical skills learning, and small group work. These typically occur one day a week. Competency-based assessment is a key feature of clinical education and uses the National Competence Assessment Document (NCAD). Assessment includes academic writing, including essays, projects and care plans; group projects and presentations; and a limited number of examinations. You will also create a Personal Professional Portfolio throughout the programme.
For further information please see programme brochure for an outline of modules.
Key Knowledge and Skills Taught on this Programme
- Safe and Effective Evidence Based Person-Centred Care
- Critical Clinical Decision-Making Skills
- Human Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology and Psychology
- Pharmacology & Medication Management
- Interpersonal and Communication Skills
- Promoting Health and Preventing Ill Health
- Digital Health Competency
- Ethics for Nursing Practice and Healthcare
- Collaborative Leadership and Management
- Quality and Governance for Care Delivery
- Application of Research Process to Enhance the Evidence Base of Nursing Practice and Healthcare
Admissions Process
Support for Students
Administrative and technical support teams, faculty and tutors are committed to helping students meet academic and career goals while having a positive experience. Students can draw from a range of available support to navigate big and small questions.

Our Faculty
Our dedicated faculty are mentors and leaders who bring their rich experience to the learning environment at Hibernia College. They are educators, practitioners and active researchers. Common among all our faculty is their focus on students.
Student Experiences
Are you curious about studying at Hibernia College? Former PME students share their reasons for choosing Hibernia College, their prior experience, research and careers. ‘As a mother and mature student, the course’s flexibility and the use of blended learning made it possible for me to balance my studies with taking care of my family.’ – Therese Barrett