Faculty profile

Dr Linda Butler Neff

Assistant Professor in Education (Primary)

PME in Primary Education
Contact information


Block B, Merrion Centre
Merrion Road
Dublin 4
D04 H2H4


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Dr Linda Butler Neff heads the research module for PMEP research. She has previously been an adjunct faculty member and Research Associate with Hibernia since 2013. She previously worked as a Lecturer and Teaching Practicum Supervisor at Mary Immaculate College. She has enjoyed the role of lead Research Methods tutor on both programmes of the Professional Masters in Education; the former PDE course and a research tutor on the MATL programme.

Research interests

Linda’s research interests include teaching practice, ongoing research in new pedagogies, the synergy between technology and education and community-driven learning spaces.


Book Chapters

Butler, L. and Neff, F. (2015) Problematizing Second Language (L2) Learning using Emerging VR Systems. The Ireland-Canada International Symposium – Higher Education in Transformation 2015, Dublin Castle, Ireland.

Butler, L. (2010) Building Autonomy in Language Learning Through Drama, Translation, Technology and Autonomy in Language Teaching and Learning, Oxford: Peter Lang Publications.

Butler L. (2009) Bothered with thinking; rehearsing citizen Utopias in young people’s critical theatre practice. Humanities: Challenging the Future An Foras Feasa in association with the Department of Music and Creative Media Dundalk Institute of Technology.


Butler L. (2013) Problematizing Dialectics of in/exclusion through Creative Pedagogies, Discourse Power Resistance (DPR13), University of Greenwich, UK.

Butler L. (2004) Reclaiming Sites for Struggle. Dramatic Learning Spaces. A South African Research Conference, University of Natal, Pietermartizburg, South Africa.

Butler L. (2003) Between ‘what might be’ and ‘what is’ Encountering the Other Intercultural Spaces: Language, Culture, Identity Royal Irish Academy Symposium.

Butler L. (2003) An Investigation of Contemporary Theatre for Development and Theatre in Education Practice as potentially transformative Sites of Social Learning, Dundalk IT Research Forum


Butler L. (2013) Workshop: Creative entry points towards constructing democracy, International Winter School, Research Centre for Education and Professional Practice (RCEPP) Department of Education and Professional Studies, University of Limerick.

Butler L. (2011) Workshop: Supporting Sites for Personal Empowerment by Enacting the Big Fat Lie, National Counselling Institute of Ireland (NCPII), Walton House, Limerick and Hilton Kilmainham Hotel, Dublin

Butler L. (2011) Workshop: Engaging the Critical Theatre Praxis, The Arts in Education and Applied Psychology Conference, University of Sheffield

Guest Lectureships

2009: Creative Language Pedagogies, Faculty of Education, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick

2007: Creative Strategies in Learning English as a Second Language, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.

2006: Irish Popular Culture, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain.

Community Development Work

2012-2013: Education board member and curriculum developer, St. Mary’s Park Community, C-Well, Community Professional Development (CDP), University of Limerick.

2009-2010: Drama and Literacy Community Youth Worker, The Learning Hub, Limerick

2003-2008: Community Development Worker, Truagh Development Association, North Co. Monaghan.

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