Hibernia College Graduation 2023

Congratulations, Graduates!

We are delighted to announce that Hibernia College’s graduation ceremonies will be held on Tuesday, 5th December 2023.

The conferring of the Professional Master of Education in Primary Education (PMEP), Professional Master of Education in Post-Primary Education (PMEPP), Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Inclusive and Special Education (PGDISE) and Postgraduate Diploma in Science in Business Data Analytics (PGDBDA) will take place on
Tuesday, 5th December 2023.

We are looking forward to sharing this special event with you and your families and friends.

Ceremony times

We are holding two ceremonies on the day at the Convention Centre Dublin (CCD):

CeremonyCeremony Start TimeProgramme and Cohort
Ceremony 1Morning: 11:25 a.m.PME in Primary Education Autumn 2021
PME in Post-Primary Education Spring 2021
PG Dip (Science) in Business Data Analytics
PG Dip (Arts) in Inclusive and Special Education
Ceremony 2Afternoon: 3.25 p.m.PME in Primary Education Spring 2021
PME in Post-Primary Education Autumn 2021
Registration and gowning will be staggered from 8.45 a.m. – 10 a.m. for the morning ceremony and from 12.15 p.m. – 2 p.m. for the afternoon ceremony. Please register and gown at the time outlined to you in the graduation invite email.

Registration and tickets

All graduands will be invited to purchase their ticket for your ceremony. An invite will be sent to your personal email address by the Graduation Team. Registration includes two guest tickets and gown hire. The fee is €100.

Guest tickets

All graduands are issued with two guest tickets. Your guests collect their tickets on the day of the ceremony at the Armstrong & Oxford desk. Unfortunately, due to the high number of graduands, only 2 guest tickets will be distributed to each graduand.


A small infant who can sit on the knee of one of your guests does not require a ticket, any other children require a ticket.


Armstrong & Oxford is the gown provider for Hibernia College. You hire your gown through the Registration Form in your graduation invite email. You collect your gown on the day of the ceremony in the Convention Centre. On arrival you should register first at the Hibernia College desk and then collect your gown from the gowning area.


Lafayette Photography will be providing a professional photography and framing service. You can book this service online in advance of the ceremony through their website.

Graduating in absentia

If you are unable to attend the ceremony you will be conferred in absentia. To receive your parchment, you should complete and submit the Supplementary Fee Online Payment Form linked to in your graduation invite email and you will receive your parchment by registered post after the ceremony. A fee of €15 will apply.


The ceremony is held in the award-winning Convention Centre Dublin (CCD) in the heart of the Dublin City centre. The CCD is easily accessible by car, taxi and public transport (Luas and bus). For full details on making your way to the CCD, please visit their website.

If you are booking overnight accommodation there are many options in Dublin City Centre, there are a number of nearby suggestions on the CCD website.

The CCD has an underground car park with 320 spaces, managed by Euro Car Parks. For more information on parking here and nearby visit this website

The CCD is wheelchair accessible. This includes access to the stage. If a graduand or guest requires assistance, please email graduation@hiberniacollege.net.

Privacy Notice for Graduation

The General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018 governs the way that organisations use personal data. Personal data is information relating to an identifiable living individual.

Transparency is a key element of GDPR and this Privacy Notice is designed to inform you how and why Hibernia College uses your personal data in relation to graduation.

Why are we processing your personal data

It is necessary for the College to process your personal data in order to ensure that:

  • You are invited to your graduation ceremony
  • You are able to book and pay for your tickets and gown
  • Your name appears in the Graduation ceremony booklet
  • You have an opportunity to feedback on your graduation experience
  • We are able to respond to any questions you may have related to your ceremony, and forward your query to another department if it’s not graduation related (eg certificate queries)

How we share your data

  • Armstrong & Oxford (event management and gowning services): name, student ID number, email, and programme (including cohort). This allows you to register for the live event and rent a gown.
  • Printer (printer for booklets): name, cohort, and programme.

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) our processing is necessary for the performance of your student contract and for the legitimate interests of Hibernia College.

All graduates

Whether attending or not attending a graduation ceremony, your

  • name, college, award title (but not your classification) will be included in the College’s graduation ceremony booklet

Graduation dates are on the public Hibernia College website and registration and ceremony times are emailed to graduands normally 2 months ahead of the date. If you have a question on the graduation you should email graduation@hiberniacollege.net. Should you want us to speak to another individual on your behalf regarding your ceremony you will need to let us know by email.

Graduates attending a graduation ceremony

Graduation is a memorable public statement of students’ achievements and the following features are considered to be essential parts of the ceremony.

Graduands are conferred by programme and alphabetically. Your name (but not your classification) will be read out at the ceremony immediately prior to you walking across the stage.


Hibernia College records the graduation ceremony and this may be used for Social Media Clips. The recording will be available to view for a restricted period of time after the ceremony on our public website. The event may also be shown live as a webcast.


During the ceremonies and celebrations, the Hibernia College photographers will be present. They will be using the opportunity to take individual and group shots to be used on the graduation website and on the College social media channels, for future graduation booklets, and for marketing and promotion in Ireland and overseas.

Visual images may be used in both printed and electronic format. Verbal consent will be sought from you and your guests for close up pictures prior to photographs being taken. If you don’t wish for your photograph to be taken, you should tell the photographer when consent is requested.

If you appear in a photo as part of a large group or crowd, where you are not the focus of image capture, you must notify Hibernia College following the capture of that image, should you have any objections.

Prize-winners will be invited to have their photo taken with their award and will also be photographed on stage receiving their award. These images may be publicly available, with your prior consent.

Information relating to disability and access needs will only be used to make reasonable adjustments at the ceremonies. This information will not be shared with any other department within the college and will be deleted from our records after the graduation ceremonies.

Alumni Association

All alumni automatically become members of the HC Alumni Association. You have a lifelong link to the College and fellow alumni. From time to time, we will email you with information on college services, news and events that are relevant to you. Each email update we send you will have an unsubscribe option at the end of the email.

Hibernia College’s Data Protection and the Handling of Student Data Guidelines can be viewed here.

You can contact the Data Protection Officer by email at dpo@hiberniacollege.net

All graduation queries should be directed to graduation@hiberniacollege.net

Parchment, transcript and certificate queries should be directed to aao@hiberniacollege.net