IASC Repository

About IASC
The Institutional Archive of Scholarly Content (IASC) is an open-access repository where digital copies of research items by Hibernia College staff and faculty are made freely available to view and download. IASC allows you to search for research by author, title or keyword. Alternatively, you can browse the communities and collections in IASC according to your interests. There is no need to register or log in to IASC to view or download items — anyone in the world with an Internet connection can access the repository’s contents.
IASC Repository
Hibernia College staff and faculty have IASC accounts that enable them to log in and submit their research items. The IASC administration team reviews each submitted item for format and metadata quality and confirms that it is assigned to the most suitable community and/or collection. This review ensures that the uploaded item has the best possible discoverability, readership and impact.
The name IASC (the Irish word for fish) is inspired by the Hibernia College crest, which depicts the Salmon of Knowledge leaping over ‘Eolas’ (knowledge) written in Ogham writing. The crest itself represents our commitment to excellence in teaching and learning whilst drawing upon the history and rich heritage of Ireland. Similarly, IASC represents our commitment to the open-access sharing of knowledge in the development of the highest standards of teaching and learning for all.