Student representatives are a vital part of the Hibernia College ecosystem. Every autumn and spring, Hibernia College welcomes future teachers embarking on the Professional Master of Education degree. Over the course of 24 months, these students travel through the programme together.
Each entering cohort elects student representatives to listen and communicate their feedback to the College. The role helps provide a positive academic experience for all students by ensuring their perspectives are taken into account on all matters related to teaching and learning.
Student reps act as a communication channel between students and the College by representing fellow students’ views. They improve the student experience by helping to create solutions to problems that may arise.
How are student representatives elected?
The nomination and election process takes place online. Students nominate themselves or a fellow student and are permitted to canvass through all available channels. Each student gets one vote, and the student with the most nominations is elected. It’s possible to share the role with another student rep from the same cohort. The process commences shortly after orientation.
What are the responsibilities?
Student representatives receive training with the National Student Engagement Programme (NStEP).
Student reps are responsible for communicating general group-level issues, feedback or concerns between their cohort and the College, facilitating a social dimension within College life (e.g. through the College’s Cohort App) and serving as a member of the student representative forum meeting regularly with student reps from all current cohorts and programmes. Representatives attend bimonthly forum meetings, biannual online programme committee meetings and can nominate themselves or be elected to sit on the Academic Board or other programme committees.
How do students share feedback with their reps?
Once student representatives are elected, their cohort is notified. Representatives use the Cohort App, email and face-to-face classes to communicate with their fellow students.
What are some changes student reps accomplished?
Student representatives have helped to add lesson planning webinars to the curriculum, develop a monthly referencing workshop facilitated by the Hibernia College librarian and the digital learning researcher, and gain additional feedback for assignments. Student representatives have been key in helping the College manage necessary changes implemented following introduction of the COVID-19 government restrictions in 2020.
Through their demonstration of leadership, student representatives contribute to the quality assurance and overall enhancement of the College. They work in partnership with the College to amplify student voices, so they are fully empowered to shape change in policy and procedure, and to jointly deliver an exceptional educational experience.