Research profile
Niamh Mc Carry
PME in Post-Primary Education
Niamh Mc Carry worked in medical device and pharmaceutical companies for four years, which gave her the opportunity to gain invaluable insight and experience in innovative science. Niamh’s passion for teaching, inspired by her mother who worked in education, combined with her love of science and working with young adolescents, compelled her to return to the classroom in a teaching capacity.
Research Paper Title
An Early Examination of the Application and Effectiveness of the Wellbeing Policy Statement and Framework for Practice 2018–2023 in Post-Primary Schools
This research examined early perspectives of teachers on the application and effectiveness of the Wellbeing Policy Statement and Framework for Practice 2018–2023 in post-primary schools from September 2018 to date. Data was collected within two co-educational and two single-sex post-primary schools in the east of Ireland. Drawing on a mixed-methods approach, the research employed the use of interviews (n=2) and online questionnaires (n=27). Findings highlighted that student wellbeing was highly valued, but concerns existed regarding whole-school approaches, teacher training/support and use of evidence-informed initiatives. Project recommendations focus on professional development for teachers and further research on the processes involved in implementing school-wide interventions.
Niamh Mc Carry recently graduated with First Class Honours in the Professional Master of Education (PME) in Post-Primary Education with Hibernia College and is currently teaching Science and Biology in a large community school in Dublin. Prior to teaching, Niamh undertook a BSc in Physiology in UCD and an MSc in Molecular Medicine in TCD. She subsequently worked in medical device and pharmaceutical companies for four years, which gave her the opportunity to gain invaluable insight and experience in innovative science. Niamh’s passion for teaching, inspired by her mother who worked in education, combined with her love of science and working with young adolescents, compelled her to return to the classroom in a teaching capacity. Niamh has always had a strong interest in student wellbeing, having experienced little support in this regard in school. Her research study examined the early application and effectiveness of the Wellbeing Policy Statement and Framework for Practice 2018–2023 in post-primary schools.