Hibernia College is offering 12 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses this summer between 10 July and 20 August.
The summer months are a great time for teachers to reflect, refresh their knowledge and enhance their teaching and learning for the upcoming school year.
Our online CPD course content can be accessed 24/7, making relevant and timely professional development available to teachers wherever they live. The courses consist of online lessons, forum contributions and reflective learning logs. Additional readings and resources are available to participants for further research and development. We share details below about 3 of our upcoming CPD courses.
Enhancing Digital Technology
The challenges of the past year have required teachers to adapt to teaching from home – rendering the use of technology essential in order to hold class meetings and communicate with students. Now, the appropriate use of digital technology in teaching, learning and assessment is a requirement in the modern classroom. We draw on our 20 years of experience running blended learning programmes to offer teachers strategies to develop digital literacy and effectively implement technology in their individual classrooms.
Teaching, Learning and Assessment using Digital Technologies helps teachers develop their understanding of the effective use and key considerations in the deployment of digital technologies. Teachers will explore strategies and digital tools to enhance teaching, learning and assessment in the classroom, while critically reflecting and planning their use in the classroom.
Addressing Behaviour and Wellbeing
Two CPD courses, in particular, will provide primary and post-primary teachers with the tools to address behavioural challenges and promote well-being in their classrooms. These courses are available from 1-13 July, 14-26 July, 27 July-8 August or 9-20 August.
Behavioural and Relationship Challenges in Schools explores theories of the causes and effects of stress, trauma and chaos on the learner, as well as emotional and behavioural difficulties. It provides teachers with strategies and tools for dealing with behavioural difficulties and promoting positive interpersonal relationships.
Enhancing Well-being in the Classroom provides teachers with a comprehensive background on well-being and the opportunity to reflect critically on their professional role in enhancing well-being among their students. Guided discussion will help participants discover different approaches and implement well-being into the curriculum.
Secure Your Place
Our online CPD courses are approved by the Department of Education (DE) as part of the annual DE summer courses programme for teachers. A special rate coupon is available for graduates of Hibernia College PME programmes. For more information, contact us on 098 28382 or cpdcourses@hiberniacollege.net.